Packaging and labels

Good morning!!

I'm so excited I have to write this!! Last night I had my very first sale on Etsy!!This morning I labeled the pre-packaged soap bars and went to the post office to ship them.

I packaged the soap bars before in a foil of clean white thin paper,than in a foil of brown paper.  Then I labeled all.

Last week I spent hours for designing the labels with Photoshop, print them on the adehesive paper and cut them..... It's been a hard work! =)

So,why don't we talk a little about how we package and label our Items?? I'd like to know how you guys have organized your work and what paper/colors/ribbons/supplies you use!

Have a nice day!



Sweet Treat Your BOdy said...

Congrats on your first sale!!!

I normally do my pacakging in Cello Bags to be able to maintain the frgance and not have them mix scents with other bars. So far it's what's best for me! I do a simple ribbon with my product tag!
I do love your packaging though!!

Bella Bubbles said...

Thank's sweet. Oh,I didn't tought about cello bags! Avoid the mixing of the scents is another great point to talk about!

dcyrill said...

Saw your blog link through Are your labels adhesive backs? I have been doing research on new labels for my soaps. I typically wrap my body butter jars and soaps in cello bags. But I want to start using paper for the soap and top them off with adhesive labels.

Bella Bubbles said...

Hi! Thank's for your comment =)
Yes,my labels are adhesive backs! I bought the A4 adhesive foils and printed them with my inkjet printer.
Is quite easy!! You can find this adhesive paper in all the big printers shops!
Mine is the Epson one.

Unknown said...

Your packaging is really nice. Lately I've been using cello bags and shrink wrap!

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